Some claim if you we're going to change, you should've done it when you wanted too. That's true. And there are some who claim that no one can change because it's psychologically easy to go back to being the same. This is also true.
But the point is, can we really stick to our resolutions. Well... not really. And that's evident in my own personal resolutions. Let's take a look down memory lane at the beginning of the New Year and see what went right and what went wrong.
Ok. So I had 4 basic resolutions. Very Simple, general and a little specific.
"1) Lose some Weight. I have no real or clear goal but I do want to lose some body fat due to last years munchies and feasting due to some emotional and economic hardships and reanalyzing. So I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds overall in general if possible as I'd like to enjoy the upcoming 2018 Anime Expo again as I loved last years but I have to save up and really pay off some debts.
2) Pay off Debts. I got a lot to add onto but I know that I will fully pay of one I owe personally to someone else. I can't go into specifics in order to protect peoples Identities and for personal reasons. Also I plan to pay off more of my Credit card despite usual payments on to pay for car repairs.
3) Write More Often. I've been very lazy on completing my works and so I hope to finish 3 short stories, 1 play and a full draft of one novel. I'll be planning to write the 3 short stories soon with possible revisions later and I will be announcing my debut hopefully if I decide to though my original plan is to publish independently and then grow mainstream.
4) Read More Books. I have a lot to do with reading but I'm planning to read at least 6 books this year and work on 12 next year with a book a month unless I finish reading a book. So far on my list are The Vampire Lestat, We The Living, Nichomachean Ethics, Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, and The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. All of various genres seen from Philosophy to Gothic Romance and Horror to Erotica."
Ok, now that I refreshed your memories. Let's look at how I did.
1) I did NOT lose any weight. I hate to say it but I gained weight and now I'm towards 179 to 180 pounds which is 10 lbs close to my old weight of either 189 to 191 lbs. There were days I shirked going to the gym and didn't get the grasp until later last year around August when I got to my aunt's gym since she's pretty much the fitness lady in my life. And trust me, eating a bar of candy a day didn't help either.
2) I did pay debts. I paid of quite the few but now I'm currently down to half of what I owed from the begining of last year though with some extra increases, I currently owe about $5,600 which is not too bad compared to most people around my age accumulating college debts of around $25 -$50-$100,000 dollars. ($25,000 to $50,000 I mean.) This is has been one of the more successful because I pretty much paid debt off every month because I have to with my credit card so kinda obvious but this year Might go better since this month, I'm finishing paying off one of my debts so that's good.
3) I didn't write as much as I should've. I haven't finished one short story. But honestly, I'm not losing too much sleep because I had to take care of responsibilities with bills, visiting my Great-Aunt and my current Lyft work first before hand and usually I have to jam all my resolution stuff in the morning. (A.K.A. writing and the gym) Even my blog posts are down because last year, I wrote about 23 articles compared to 65 but many of the 65 were pretty short. But also with the advent of me starting to work for The Gaming Lad, I also just began writing articles for video game reviews and I might expand upon maybe Opinion columns with them if I can request it. Oh also, just so you know, I'm going to be doing the Kingdom Hearts 3 review. Also NO SPOILERS! IF YOU DO SPOILS KINGDOM HEARTS 3 IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, WE ARE NOT FRIENDS AND I SPOIL THE OTHER THINGS YOU LOVE: MILK, CHEESE, MOVIES, SHOWS, COMICS, MANGA, ANIME, AND ANYTHING ELSE I CAN THINK OF! I will repeatedly warn you all! Ok, now that's out of my system, on to my final resolution.
4)I read 5 books last year. The Vampire Lestat, Rebecca, Nichomachean Ethics, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, and Wuthering Heights in that order. So not 6 books but I did a good job. Compared to ... well I don't know the average number of novels people read in a year but I swear that 25 pages a day did help and despite long breaks between books, I did have a good time with reading them in the morning though now I'm debating about writing notes in them but I'm a book purist (keep them clean) so it's highly unlikely.
So what's my point. My point is, If we made the effort, we would've done our resolutions at the beginning of when we noticed a deficiency in our lives. Remember that success is habit but habit is is sure foolishly easy or painstakingly difficult to create and/or break. Some of us still have bad habits, others just are pushing through because of will and mentality. Don't let it discourage you though because you always have something to work on. I'm still trying to get past my procrastination and it's not easy.
And so now you're wondering what are my resolutions? Pretty much the same just without too much to focus on because really I got a lot to do this year too. I'm helping my grandfather retire, cleaning out our dirty and unkempt garage, paying back debt that's mandatory, my Kingdom Hearts review coming up at the end of the month, But in the end, it all depends on where my choices I do take me. I might change different things or I might stay the same again from last year. But remember this one thing as you make your choices this year everyone, ...
(Love your Fate)
In other words, once you make your choice, accept both it's beauities and tragedies it causes. I know this pretty philosophical for those who you just started to follow me but this is sage advice. It's a form of peace with oneself and to me, philosophy helps us both live and die well. So I hope you might take it to heart. Especailly since this year, I'll be reading the philosopher who said this quote. So now I'm gonna see my aunt, Read Good Omens, and try not to stress myself out too much this month hopefully and enjoy my fate.
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