Marcos' Musings: The Life, Thoughts, Writings, and Opinions of a Writer
A Blog Dedicated to the Works of Marcos Pisanis and other random topics including video games, politics, philosophy, art, movies and tv shows, and other assorted things.
Friday, January 3, 2025
My Resolutions (2025) cause Why Not
Monday, December 23, 2024
The Festivus Airing of Grievances: 2024
Well this year became even more unhinged at the end. I definitely have problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it once again. Let's start the most obvious and go down.
1. To Vice President Donald Trump for further eroding us into an oligarchy of the rich while we're poor. A schizophrenic syphilitic freak show of terrible proportions. And can you please choose one NORMAL person for your cabinet and other executive positions! You have questionable moles for other countries (Tulsi Gabbard), sex pests and abusers (RFK Jr. Pete Hegseth, Matt Gaetz) people who tolerated child sex abuse (Linda McMahon), the mentally insane (Kash Patel) or nepotism (Charles Kushner). Just choose someone who is the best to give the illusion you have things under control!!!!!
2. Now I'm coming for you President Elon Musk and your royal Squire Vivek Ramaswamy. You're both a word that would get me in trouble with so many people! And you both are really missing me off. If you wanna start some government efficiency, why don't you actually start with destroying all subsidies to corporations. I don't want to use my tax money to fund your Space X failures and your Twitter dumpster Fire Musk. You're a shit father! And you have too much power over us. We're not your peasants! We're people and we should strike more against you! Vive, as much as I wanna say more against you, I got nothing other than you come off as a token minority yes man more so than Uncle Ruckus (no relation) from "The Boondocks." You kinda deserve being verbally beaten down by racist Ann Coulter on your podcast. And that's a fate I normally don't wish on people to suffer the wrath of one of the Wicked Bitches of the Right Wing.
3. Now for the people! You suck, you mainly voted for Trump, imo, for trolling reasons! Not because you cared for the policies, you wanted a sensation. You wanted to own the libs. Don't expect sympathy from me. You voted against a possible add on to welfare a lot more of you need than you realize. So you guys better hope your churches are charitable enough to give you something cause I hope local left leaning charities and organizations will not. I know some of you have regret with the fucking around and finding out about things but tariffs don't work the way you think!!!! Why don't you start watching this video by Legal Eagle and this other one by attorney Leeja Miller to get a grasp of what tariffs will actually do. I can surely tell you eggs and gas won't be cheaper under tariffs! I doubt a lot of you guys actually do research which is even more painful.
4. Let's talk about the "Bros." Specifically Podcast Bros. Joe Rogan, Jake and Logan Paul, Valuetainment/PDB, Lex Fridman, Theo Von, Flagrant, and Nelk to name a few! More specifically, These sucker's don't care for you! They're either in trouble with the law (The Paul Brothers specifically Logan), made a pyramid scheme organization (Valuetainment/Patrick B. David), or even are bought by other countries whether they admit it or not (Joe Rogan). To the boys and men listening to them, they're not your father, they never will be! Your need male role models doesn't mean you latch on to the first who speaks his mind. You guys didn't think about that when Jordan Peterson opened his dumb mouth! This is parasocial insanity! Wake up or you deserve a bitch slap!
5. Now to our LGBT Conservatives or more LGB Conservatives since the biological essentialists of Blaire White, Buck Angel, Scott Newgent and someone called The Offensive Tranny (I apologize for this but it's his actual username.) First I wanna ask these 4 when it comes to attacking other trans people, why are they almost always those who might have more fringe beliefs as trans people or have different aesthetics than the general public. Or more overweight. These 4, at the least, just come off as vindictive bullies and pick mes! I hope instead they join in a jail cell with Nick Fuentes, Pat Buchanan, Steve Bannon, Steven Crowder (it's always the damn Steves and stevens), VP Donny, and Elon Musk. I'm sure you fools could come to a logical and rational solution of how trans folks like you should exist while everyone else is your road to step on. And let's attack Gays against Groomers and The LGB Alliances. Both have been funded by anti-gay & trans organizations like The Heritage Foundation and have been seen in Conservative circles to try to make fake allies. Gays against Groomers couldnt even denounced one of their own gays, ex Gay Milo Yianopolous. He had his own sex abuse issues and God knows he was a Groomer that they were silent on, the bastards.
6. Now for some Rainbow Capitalism with Disney. Iger, just step down and retire. You gave us Bob Chapek to replace you and thank god the board and the public wanted him out. Now step down. You forget that we, the gays helped create modern disney as much as your acquisitions. Howard Ashman, Andreas Deja made Modern Disney and both were gay men. One made The Disney Renaissance musical with his work on Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast. Andreas helps further show our love for Queer Coded Villains with Gaston, Scar, and Jafar. Maybe instead of you shutting down creatives at Disney Animation TV and Pixar with now allowing creative expressions with toning down various characters queerness, maybe let the animators and writers tell their stories and sit the fuck down! I'm sure we in the gay community can run Disney better with more theme park ideas, improving rushed movie ideas and more.
7. Universal Studios, don't think I forgot about you too! You do just as if not worse than Disney on gay representation but lets talk about your bullshit with helping pay anti-gay politicians to promote their policies while you've done Gay Pride events at Hollywood! Go fuck yourself with that. You wanna be allies? How bout donating to queer organizations, respecting trans rights, saying gay and giving your employees in Florida the right to unionize. Yup folks, you think Disney is bad because Uncle Walt began Disney's union busting? Universal has successfully refused unions by firing anyone who discusses it. I highly suggest boycotting any movies even if we love them like Wicked part 2. I'm sorry Cynthia. I'm here for ya but Universal needs to do better.
8. Now for a specific person. Or two. WholeWheatPete and D-Piddy. Fuck you two! I wish I had 1000 feet so I can put half in each of your asses. And kick you down freaking Hollywood Blvd. Pete has been on my shit list for being very improper, rude and a jerk at cons. Defacing and breaking property at convention hotels, assaulting people, harassing women, the list goes on. With the fake news of his arrest at Anime Weekend Atlanta, people were celebrating but he denied anything happened. Its probably true he wasn't but it's possible he was banned from AWA. Maybe seeing how we all celebrated was a lesson to him on how much we all hate him and we will all come together to kick his ass out of the cosplay community. Now for Piddy. This guy was clever for his masked blackface portrayal of PDiddy and WWPete was Justin Beiber. Now he's playing off how he was once sorry but not anymore. If I was there, he'd be fucking sorry for trying this shit. The rainbow cosplay mafia is gonna go after his ass!
9. Now for Putin and his supports! Go back to Russia bastards. You deserve Russia and it's messed up economy because warfare is all they care for until they win a Trump Deal. It's as Christian in performance as abortion rates are even higher than America if you looked at statistics. But we're Americans! Were supposed to be illiterate. Obviously Vladimir, you're a bastard who just wants to relive in Communists Russia's old days and your people want this to stop, your soldiers want this to stop, Ukraine, Zelensky, The world wants this to stop. You escalated this and the people in the west who supported you deserve to freeze their asses off til they're Popsicles.
10. Now for War Criminal #2. Benjamin Netenyahu. Well it's hard to put everything in a small rant but let's start with, this history of Grievances needs to stop! This is just some religious war of insanity just to make sure that Israel is Jewish and Christian only. You have the money and weapons to specifically target the Hamas terrorists but you have successfully used Palestinians as cannon fodder for your war. And Hamas has already used that, as to be expected, as an excuse that you are genocidal because you are. And all the attacks on other countries are insane as Americans and other world powers will be stuck in a mess you made worse when we could've just attacked their leaders and attacked their banks.
11. Leading to this, let's talk about Anti-Semitism crocodile tears. Norman Finklestein, a Jewish American academic, has been known for attacking Zionism. I am an anti-Zionist but stupidly, our country and others keep equating anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism. So jews who criticize Israel's government for war crimes make them anti-semites? So many jews would be classified as this. Maybe they're open to admit that it's wrong. They're not "bad jews" as you want to scapegoat and gaslight them. If you wanna complain about Antisemitism, don't go to the campuses in America. Go to X. Elon had openly supported the free speech of Nick Fuentes, Dr. Anastasia Loupis, and Jackson Hickle. All have actually been openly antisemitic. But they're too blind to see the real monsters growing not from the public activism for human rights and anti-war peace talks but social media echo chambers.
12. Now for a list of people who deserve my hate. Ben Shapiro: Shilling to a CEO ok with denying our fellow Americans Health insurance. Matt Walsh: a creepy man who can't stop thinking about trans women Glinner/Graham Linehan: Anti-trans activist who openly harassed and attacked a trans kid. Yes, he assaulted a kid! Doesn't matter what their gender was, this is unacceptable! Marjorie Taylor Green: a Bimbo Blonde Beta Bitch who the Conservatives need to shut the hell up. All she does is talk. Now that Matt Gaetz is outed as sex creep with all kinds of crimes, let's make sure she opens that list of those who did sex crimes. But she won't because she's a cowardly twatwaffle who's all bark than bite. Lauren Boebert: wannabe MTG who needs to fix her family before she attacks others families
13. Now for J.K. Rowling and her supporters. You people need to read something other than potter! You got Ursula K. LeGuin, Terry Pratchet, Octavia Butler, various manga authors, Larry Kramer, and multiple people to get better queer and Fantasy works. She doesn't care for gay people or as she loves to exclaim, trans people. J.K., your tragedy isn't an excuse for being a monster. You shouldn't have been beaten and abused by your ex but that was a cis man! And sex abusers, regardless of gender, will continue abuse regardless of a sign saying, "Girls only!" Trans people aren't your enemy J.K. but you working with all the conservative organizations and anti trans lesbians and feminists prove how intellectually and empathetically dead you are.
14. Now for The Detransition Movement. Not the de-transitioners who stopped and despite what the media tells you, actually support trans people and their livelihoods. I'm talking of Chloe Cole and her Heathers/Plastics group. At first, she wants to stop kids from transitioning but her support for Trump and open hostility for anything trans has made her the poster child of the anti-trans movement with no sympathy for trans people, no reforms for medical procedures and more. It's all or nothing. Well, I demand Chole Cole actually tell trans and gay people in our faces, why we don't matter.
15. Now for Left wing Online activists. Specifically, I mean those like The Kavernacle, Actually Jake and more. I'm sorry but you bastards didn't do much to help stop our issues from happening with anti-fascism. At least actually Jake had debated some but even debates go so far. We need more grassroots stuff. I realized that just being online doesn't do shit and telling people, I told you so, doesn't make you the noble shit like you think you are. It makes you just as willing to help make our lives miserable. Trust me. telling conservatives I told you so, is gonna make them double down on Trump. I know Kavernacles’ a Brit, but he has the choice of voting Lib Dem, the Green Party of Wales and England and more of the recent progressive coalition against the do nothing Labour party. That's real activism and to support those parties and showcase why the labour voters need better political action from people. I'm sorry but Politics isn't an idealistic fantasy. It's Pragmatic compromise we all don't like. But we can have control of the damage with assistance. In the US, I want to start demanding Progressive candidates fight against incumbents right now. We need Rank choice voting, we need 3rd party representation at the local level more than ever.
16. Finally, Conservative artists and anti-woke assholes. Anna the Star Whores Girl, Malone Mac the butter faced bitch, Will Jordan the Alcoholic Asshat, Ethan van Sciver, Grummz, John del Arozz, YoungRippa, John Trent, Nerdrotic the meth head, Christie Mayr, the bimbo conservative, Film Threat, Clownfish TV, YellowFlash, It'sAGundam, EFAP (i wish that name was fake), Heels vs (man)Babyface, Dr. Doomfist. Like these people complain about how bad games are because of wokeness and then complain about how they attack how woke the games are when game companies use it as a shield for actual criticism. Well you know, you could criticize said companies first! We all know they do terrible dlc crap, force us to buy digital vs. Physical, commit sex abuses against female game developers and Hide it under the rug, do nft promotions, disrespect their iconic legacy characters, make crappy games without innovating anything, and I'm just talking about Ubisoft. See guys! It's not that hard! You all deserve the biggest bitch slapping while being humiliated for making crappy art. These guys make mediocre art that's just junk food. Nothing of real substance. We should throw their bland works in their face literally to help them make something better. Maybe that monkey & Shakespeare idea might actually work better than these nimrods.
Well that looks like to be the major people on my damn mind. Now we move on to the Feats of Strength! Happy Festivus 2024!
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Pride Cometh and is Going towards a Fall: A Reminder
Pride is here again this year. And compared to last year, I want to warn all of you my LGBT+ friends and acquaintances. It feels however, the pendulum is swinging rapidly towards us and is back to being in the realm of LGBT intolerance, threats of violence, and we're going backwards with the progress made. Specifically it seems to be heavy handed towards the T part of LGBT, Transgender.
Due to a recent situation I had, I was asked why pride. Well when I explained, it felt the response went one ear and out the other. So I'll explain it again.
The Reason Pride Happened was because it started as a riot because we weren't gonna take it anymore! For the early 20h century, The Lavender Scare, the Holocaust (LGBT people were killed in the Holocaust), Police Raids, and having Homosexuality being classified as a mental disease, had all worked well in discriminating and even killing people. Hell, take a look at this propaganda piece of 1961, yes 1961 called Boys Beware to have a look at what people thought of homosexuals not even 62 years ago. ( Then when the Stonewall bar got raided various individuals there from Marsha P. Johnson to Sylvia Rivera and all others fought against the police fights to be seen and heard that we aren't gonna be taking it back in the closet, arrested or go through conversion therapy. That is why we have Pride. It's both a celebration of the progress we made and the need to be ensured and to show that we are and can be safe and have dignity as people. But now it's June and I want to say a little more.
Last year, I noticed that it was a whole shitshow with Rainbow Capitalism than never before. (Rainbow Capitalism is as it sounds, corporations and buisnesses capitalizing on LGBT Pride Month with constant pandering without seeming genuine in support of LGBT people) Mostly this shit was sadly called out by a lot of conservative news anchors, activists, and culture war influencers and grifters who take advantage of this whole situation with Rainbow Capitalism and one politician, Ron DeSantis who made it his whole personality because of his ongoing fight with The Walt Disney Company. We'll be getting back to Ronny because oh boy, Florida is a shithole of discriminatory policies, Republican fear mongering, and Political Theatrics of inordinate proportions. These people used Disney's wishy washy attempts to be on support of LGBT, and yet have their major stockholders and higher ups in the corporation be supporters of various conservative politicians, to try to make it out as a woke boogeyman like its the end of the world. Today, its going to be this shit all over again with these corporations with rainbow logos and corporations apologizing to right wing individuals who can destroy their private property, in the case of Target last year, because they got their snowflake feelings hurt. But now they're trying again and it's more successful even with lying. The New York Post recently showed articles talking about the recent situation with a ring wing rapper making a song about targeting target, to claiming the tuck swimsuits are for kids which really got this going. The author of this article ( claims that Target is selling swimsuits to minors with the ability to tuck, a phrase meaning to hide one's privates usually trans-women, for kids. But going on Target's online site tells a majorly different story. ( I went to the site itself and I checked that they only sold swimsuits on the adult side. Not kids, ADULTS! I decided to check the family side which included children. There were no swimsuits and you can check yourselves to see if. Maybe the New York Post should've actually went to their local Targets to be sure that their story was true but it's better to tell a story in yellow journalism than the facts. And the Post loves telling stories versus facts. And in recent months, Bud Light has been part of a more successful boycott due to just sending a specialty can to Trans-influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Everyone lost their shit just because they sent her specialty cans of Bud Light with her face on it. They had to deny multiple times that was specifically made for her and not a specialty sold can. It's like if any other influencer or celebrity had a special can from any beer company meant as a means to sell. But most right wing assholes from randos on the internet to has been celebs like Kid Rock shot up all their Bud Light. To make things worse but not a surprise, both Anheuser-Busch and Target, have caved to these people and have tried their hardest to stop all forms of their LGBT support or apologize. It's this stuff that shows that corporations never cared and we know it. This is bullshit from all side with corporations apologizing to a loud group of weirdos who probably don't actually buy their products in the first place. Surprisingly, Disney has kind of stayed firm but thats because of Ron DeSantis.
Now to Ronny. To a lot of Republicans, he is now a possible candidate to be in the White House but granted his policies and the policies of other Red States discriminating against LGBT, mostly the T. In recent, DeSantis had famously made the Parental Rights In Education bill, or as its popularly known, Don't Say Gay, into law. In the 7 pages, it primary has vague legalese but the main point is that the law originally claimed that it would prevent kids up to 3rd grade knowing or preventing others from telling them about any LGBT issues. Of course it didn't solve what of a kid who has LGBT parents and says it, teachers who are LGBT, or what specifically they don't want 8 year Olds to hear other than maybe, they just exist. But remember it was up to 3rd grade back last year. Well, they gave an inch, and went for the whole mile.
This bill you see here is the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida. This bill was passed by the Florida Board of Education. Among this, it says that 4th through 12th grade will be banned from any talks of LGBT related stuff if not applicable to the rules in the bill or for health related talks which parents can request having their kids out of, well granted that would've been a major given with how Flroida has grown more Republican than its original swing state situation with various elections. But in general, the same problem applies. No Discussions of people who are LGBT, have parents who are LGBT, if a Teacher is LGBT they should shut rheir mouth, but it also targets another aspect, LGBT high school clubs if I can go far with this. Because High School Clubs require a teacher to be a foundation for a club, and since they can't talk about it, they aren't allowed to have this club. I would argue this is a clear violation of Freedom of Assembly granted the rules of public school clubs and forming them. My own high school had a Gay Straight Alliance and its much needed to help youth transition into the world with knowing they're not alone and there are others like them but Ron DeSantis, Bill Lee (my governor) and others can't fathom this to happen because of their recent boogeyman of wokeness. (That can be an article in and of itself if you guys would like.) And these aren't the only laws. Let's go into one final example from my own state of Tennessee.
Governor Bill Lee, signed a law with ensuring kids wouldn't be near Adult oriented buisnesses. Naturally no one should be opposed to such a thing. But as we have just learned, reading between the lines has even more worse consequences.
Here is the full picture of Senate Bill 3. This is what's called the Anti-Drag Bill but conveniently enough, it doesn't mention drag but "male and female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a pruient interest. First, what the hell doest that even mean? Second, translation. They claim its to target male and female impersonators who do any sexual things like provocative dances, stripping, etc. Now naturally those kinds of drag performances are the ones we don't ever take our kids to! So this whole law feels ridiculous to the common sense minded. But they specifically see that Drag Queens and Drag Kings of any kind, regardless of whether they have 21+ or family friendly shows and how they advertise their shows, are all bad. Anything from Drag Queen Story hours or family friendly brunches aren't to be allowed. But even when it's obvious that the shows are family friendly, no one wants to hear it. Shouts of OK GROOMER! are justified as an argument. Of course I could claim and talk about how many religious pastors, priests and church officials have been arrested and found to be responsible for actual child abuse, whether be emotional, physical, sexual, or in many cases, all 3 but the people who dress as the opposite gender are the problem. But even if they have the "prurient interest" aspect of the law, who says they can't abuse it? Some Have feared trans people could be targeted and honestly, I see their fears because the law is written in a vague way, anyone can interpreted it to where someone could report a trans person for not wearing the clothes of their biological birth. And Unfortunately, LGBT related issues are always seen as sexually inherent due to having non-heterosexual interests. So thus they can easily manipulate an argument to have someone arrested but there's one final demographic that can be targeted. One that I'm part of, The Cosplay Community.
I've seen men dress as female characters in a comedic manner. Lots of them dressed as Anya Forger last HolMat. Then there's cosplay drag Queens like Jimmy Sherfy, CoutureFX, and Annie Mae (Zachtherippercosplay). But lets not forget most of the cosplayers in the past were females and they were open to cosplay as males from various anime from Naruto to Hetalia. Anyone remember Hetalia? Even though it's obvious people crossplay for various reasons in convention settings, and despite being predominantly private events due to needing to pay to enter, if cosplayers go out in public, some Karen police officer can nag their way into worming people gettings citations or worse arrested. I also want to thank cosplayer aweirdonetoo3 for bringing this to my attention.
To end this all, these as well as 556 various anti-LGBT laws restricting everything without reading the laws, putting targets over the community in general, mostly targeting trans people, it's time to show why Pride exists. It's our celebration and call to protest! United we Stand and divided we Fall! GAY PRIDE DARLINGS!
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Happy New Year and a Quick thing on Resolutions and Comparing to my current trend of them now.
Some claim if you we're going to change, you should've done it when you wanted too. That's true. And there are some who claim that no one can change because it's psychologically easy to go back to being the same. This is also true.
But the point is, can we really stick to our resolutions. Well... not really. And that's evident in my own personal resolutions. Let's take a look down memory lane at the beginning of the New Year and see what went right and what went wrong.
Ok. So I had 4 basic resolutions. Very Simple, general and a little specific.
"1) Lose some Weight. I have no real or clear goal but I do want to lose some body fat due to last years munchies and feasting due to some emotional and economic hardships and reanalyzing. So I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds overall in general if possible as I'd like to enjoy the upcoming 2018 Anime Expo again as I loved last years but I have to save up and really pay off some debts.
2) Pay off Debts. I got a lot to add onto but I know that I will fully pay of one I owe personally to someone else. I can't go into specifics in order to protect peoples Identities and for personal reasons. Also I plan to pay off more of my Credit card despite usual payments on to pay for car repairs.
3) Write More Often. I've been very lazy on completing my works and so I hope to finish 3 short stories, 1 play and a full draft of one novel. I'll be planning to write the 3 short stories soon with possible revisions later and I will be announcing my debut hopefully if I decide to though my original plan is to publish independently and then grow mainstream.
4) Read More Books. I have a lot to do with reading but I'm planning to read at least 6 books this year and work on 12 next year with a book a month unless I finish reading a book. So far on my list are The Vampire Lestat, We The Living, Nichomachean Ethics, Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, and The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. All of various genres seen from Philosophy to Gothic Romance and Horror to Erotica."
Ok, now that I refreshed your memories. Let's look at how I did.
1) I did NOT lose any weight. I hate to say it but I gained weight and now I'm towards 179 to 180 pounds which is 10 lbs close to my old weight of either 189 to 191 lbs. There were days I shirked going to the gym and didn't get the grasp until later last year around August when I got to my aunt's gym since she's pretty much the fitness lady in my life. And trust me, eating a bar of candy a day didn't help either.
2) I did pay debts. I paid of quite the few but now I'm currently down to half of what I owed from the begining of last year though with some extra increases, I currently owe about $5,600 which is not too bad compared to most people around my age accumulating college debts of around $25 -$50-$100,000 dollars. ($25,000 to $50,000 I mean.) This is has been one of the more successful because I pretty much paid debt off every month because I have to with my credit card so kinda obvious but this year Might go better since this month, I'm finishing paying off one of my debts so that's good.
3) I didn't write as much as I should've. I haven't finished one short story. But honestly, I'm not losing too much sleep because I had to take care of responsibilities with bills, visiting my Great-Aunt and my current Lyft work first before hand and usually I have to jam all my resolution stuff in the morning. (A.K.A. writing and the gym) Even my blog posts are down because last year, I wrote about 23 articles compared to 65 but many of the 65 were pretty short. But also with the advent of me starting to work for The Gaming Lad, I also just began writing articles for video game reviews and I might expand upon maybe Opinion columns with them if I can request it. Oh also, just so you know, I'm going to be doing the Kingdom Hearts 3 review. Also NO SPOILERS! IF YOU DO SPOILS KINGDOM HEARTS 3 IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, WE ARE NOT FRIENDS AND I SPOIL THE OTHER THINGS YOU LOVE: MILK, CHEESE, MOVIES, SHOWS, COMICS, MANGA, ANIME, AND ANYTHING ELSE I CAN THINK OF! I will repeatedly warn you all! Ok, now that's out of my system, on to my final resolution.
4)I read 5 books last year. The Vampire Lestat, Rebecca, Nichomachean Ethics, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, and Wuthering Heights in that order. So not 6 books but I did a good job. Compared to ... well I don't know the average number of novels people read in a year but I swear that 25 pages a day did help and despite long breaks between books, I did have a good time with reading them in the morning though now I'm debating about writing notes in them but I'm a book purist (keep them clean) so it's highly unlikely.
So what's my point. My point is, If we made the effort, we would've done our resolutions at the beginning of when we noticed a deficiency in our lives. Remember that success is habit but habit is is sure foolishly easy or painstakingly difficult to create and/or break. Some of us still have bad habits, others just are pushing through because of will and mentality. Don't let it discourage you though because you always have something to work on. I'm still trying to get past my procrastination and it's not easy.
And so now you're wondering what are my resolutions? Pretty much the same just without too much to focus on because really I got a lot to do this year too. I'm helping my grandfather retire, cleaning out our dirty and unkempt garage, paying back debt that's mandatory, my Kingdom Hearts review coming up at the end of the month, But in the end, it all depends on where my choices I do take me. I might change different things or I might stay the same again from last year. But remember this one thing as you make your choices this year everyone, ...
(Love your Fate)
In other words, once you make your choice, accept both it's beauities and tragedies it causes. I know this pretty philosophical for those who you just started to follow me but this is sage advice. It's a form of peace with oneself and to me, philosophy helps us both live and die well. So I hope you might take it to heart. Especailly since this year, I'll be reading the philosopher who said this quote. So now I'm gonna see my aunt, Read Good Omens, and try not to stress myself out too much this month hopefully and enjoy my fate.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Fragment of Horror 3
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(Title Page to Ghosts and Goblins, one of the first known examples of horror video games) |
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(Box Art for Clock Tower for the Super Famicom, only released in Japan) |
... The Clock Tower video game series and Spin-Offs
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(The Concept Art of the Barrows Mansion in Clock Tower: The First Fear) |
Clock Tower came out around the time of Resident Evil would come out (1995) so you guys know this was the very beginning of what modern Survival Horror would be based upon. (Although there is a debate on which horror game came with survival horror first, I prefer to thing of more that a group of games created the atmosphere needed. The Big 3 being Parasite Eve, the cult classic with deals with bio-horror, Resident Evil, the Zombie horror dealing with Claustrophobia in a twisted mansion, and Silent Hill, the town with cults and devils abound.) Now Clock Tower is a cult classic due to some weird things with how it was distributed and how each game eventually came out.
First, there is Clock Tower, usually referred to as The First Fear because when the west and other countries got Clock Tower, we got Clock Tower 2, the sequel to the first fear. But then it's learned that The First Fear was also remade, but the remake is pretty mixed. But the general aspects of both remained the same. It was a click and point game focused upon escaping the stalking murderer, Scissorman.
In the first two Clock Tower games (We'll just call them the Clock Tower Canon for short because everything else has been sister sequels on name alone with some reverence in 3 (the official sequel of 2)) the game play is simple, you are stuck being followed by the Scissorman as he tries to kill you. But interestingly enough, the game has a bit of a background plot more explored than other killers. Scissorman is actually Bobby and Dan Barrows, the children of Simon and his murderous wife, Mary (insert Anti-Virgin Mary horror trope here) and the Barrows (Burroughs in 3) are a family interconnected with Satanic rituals and sacrifices and Jennifer, the main character of the first two games, must solve the mysteries behind them while surviving the best she can.
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(If you play the emulation of First Fear, please get the perfume bottle mentioned) |
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(The Most Effective Weapon to Dilute attention and stop Scissorman. THE ... bedsheets? ... Seriously?) |
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(Dario Argento's Phenomena, the hugest influence for Clock Tower) |
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(All the more Captivating. On the left: Jennifer Connelly in Phenomena. On the Right: Jennifer Simpson in Clock Tower) |
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(Another influence was this Cult Classic Horror called The Burning and has the pair of Hedge Scissors inspire Kono to create his weapon for his assailant.) |
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(All the Serial killers symbolizing teen sex who murdered guys) |
But now let's get to the Sister Spin offs. There are 3 but I say 5 because the main game series did inspire two spiritual successors. So we got Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within (Or GhostHead in Japan), Clock Tower 3 done by Capcom, and Haunting Ground for the first spiritual successor. Then you have two fan successors. One by Hifumi Kono called Night Cry and the other by one of the head artists and a favorite of mine Chris Darril, who developed Remothered: Tormented Fathers.
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(Box Art for CT2:TSW) |
All I can say about The Struggle Within is ... it's bad. But I don't think it's as bad as people like to say. To be honest, the main disappointment comes from the later parts of the game. The beginning is filled with good tension and horror anticipation. Though it's weak plot and the overly abundant confusion of the Hospital area in the game, it's generally ok. It plays regularly to the Clock Tower game. But there's a lot more cheesy voice acting. I hope you like House of the Dead Games and other cheesy voice acted games guys! But the Golden Radio award goes to the great Roger Jackson, who voices Bates in this game. If you're wondering why I haven't explained the plot, it's that it gets kinda weirdly melodramatic.
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(Bates (Alyssa's alter ego) explores her cousins room. ) |
Basically you play Alyssa Hale, who visits her family after being moved to them. However, we learn she has a split personality named Bates. Her family is later revealed to be an adopted family and that her adopted father actually gave her biological father a cursed statue with a bacterium that creates zombies and they've been released upon the city. But the cursed statue also serves as a weird mcguffin since the player destroys the Statue but it leads more to discussing the Maxwell Curse (Alyssa's real name is Lynn Maxwell and her father is George Maxwell who has a family curse of twins who cause harm to the family and they bury the children alive.) Look I'm not gonna sugar coat this because the plot is ok. It's not twisted but it is kinda dumbly confusing with the unnecessary plot twists like how Alyssa is adopted which doesn't necessarily add to the horror. But let's get to the next game so we can get on.
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(The Dark Gentleman appears near the Hamilton Mansion, the main hub of Clock Tower 3) |
Clock Tower 3 has only 2 references to the original canon. This was the situation with the surname mentioned of the family of evil, The Burroughs (originally called Barrows in translations of the first 2 games but in the earlier clip comparing the Clock Tower Dubs from Japan and the West, they say the BURROUGHS mansion not the BARROWS mansion like the Western dubs. And the second is their not so well done tribute to the Scissorman characters, now instead of serious stalker serial killers, they're (it's a set of twins, one male and one female) portrayed as Jester Insane Killers who wield scissors and just carry the name though the game does give a little exposition.
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(The Corroder, a former human who dissolved humans in corrosive acid and now tries to kill Alyssa, the main protagonist) |
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(The Main Cast of Haunting Ground (Left to Right) Debilitas, Daniella, Hewie, Fiona, Riccardo, Lorenzo) |
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Belli Castle, where Fiona's nightmares take place. |
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(Concept art for Night Cry) |
But then we have the final two selections. The recent revivals of the Clock Tower mechanics. We have Night Cry, where our Scissorman character is finally back with a new design and the identical MO. But sadly this game got mixed to negative reviews but if you are a fan of the Clock Tower series, it would still be worth having in your library. After all Hifumi Kono did develop the game and one of the main artists did help in creating the final game so far from the spiritual successors of Clock Tower. Remothered: Tormented Fathers.
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(Logo Art of Remothed, done by Chris Darril) |
Thanks for enjoying this article.
Here's some resources and fun videos on the Clock Tower Franchise.
Remothed: Tormented Fathers on Steam
JonTron's Clock Tower Review and Look
Nitro Rad's Clock Tower 2 Review and Look
Clock Tower 3 (PS2 Review) from Stop Skeletons from Fighting
How Haunting Ground Scared my Teenage Self by ValkryieAurora
Monday, October 8, 2018
Fragment of Horror 2
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(Concept Art for a famous attraction. Read further for the reveal of my second fragment of Horror) |
Like the concept that we in this picture for the haunted house we'll see in this article, many stories either have ghosts or Gothic drama that happens and that gives a home/manor, a haunted house atmosphere. You have manor houses like Northanger Abbey, Manderlay from Rebecca, Shirley Jackson's Hill House (Soon to be a Netflix series and the trailer looks great. I hope the re-imagining of the story is a success.), Collinswood from the series (NOT THE MOVIE!) Dark Shadows, and who could forget The Overlook Hotel and Rose Red from Stephen King. But my second fragment of horror was a collaborative effect. One so famous that the concepts and ideas had so much that they had to find ways to remake the ride from a walk through, to a museum holding weird and creepy objects, a home to evil and treasonous people from history, and had a Bluebeard type wife killer. But it all eventually came to a simple philosophy about the ride "We'll take care and clean up the Outside, and the ghosts can take care of the Inside." This was said by Walter Elias Disney and the concept art you're looking at is ...
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(The Haunted Mansion in all her Southern Gothic Antebellum Glory) |
The Haunted Mansion, my second Fragment of Horror.
You're probably wondering, why the hell is this on here? It's not a scary ride. Well it scared me when I was young and I took thinks literal but don't insult me for it! But this article is more about the concepts and the impacting legacy of one of the most rumor and fan theory laden rides and sadly a dying part of a great theme park. A true and somber Gothic tale in it's own right. But most don't know that the concepts for this Haunted Mansion went as far back as the first days of Disneyland. In fact, Walt Disney himself wanted such a house in the most oddest of places.
In the early days of acquiring some orange groves, Anaheim would be forever changed by the vision of Walt Disney himself, his 9 Old Men animators and newly solidified cast of artists and designers who though, never made theme park attractions before, would now begin with innovating technology and ride ideas to make a theme park in Walt's vision. From a simple train ride though his Burbank back lot to grow ever bigger into the theme park we know today, Disney's original concept pitch for the mansion would be to put it, in all places, Main Street U.S.A.
The concept art you saw earlier was supposed to be in Main Street U.S.A. with the house on a hill, (All the Haunted Houses are on Hills, what is up with that?) And so you got a Haunted House near Main Street scaring the kids before they got into the park in contrast to the happy and nostalgic view of Main Street with late 19th-early 20th century America. But the main issue was how would this ride be sold to the audiences? Enter one Disney's greatest concept rivalries, Claude Coats, animator and set designer, who wanted a scary haunted mansion which would be attributed to how Disneyland would promote innovation and design in creating a new standard for theme parks, and Marc Davis, legendary animator and one of the 9 old men, who wanted a silly and family friendly ride since Disneyland's main attraction was to be sold as an experience for all to come.
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(And our first two major players are here. Claude Coats, Disney's Gentle Giant) |
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(And Marc Davis, working on art for Pirates of the Carribean) |
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(The Ballroom Scene, depicting the famous stage and ghost illusion The Pepper's Ghost Trick) |
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(Yale Gracey attending to the Hatbox Ghost) |
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(Rolly Crump taking a Tiki Room Tiki out of Disneyland) |
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(A Candle-holder Lizard and a Vampiress Statue) |
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(A Gypsy Caravan: A possible influence for Madame Leota) |
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(The Fortune Teller's Room with a Grandfather Chair. One would be in the Haunted Mansion in Disney World.) |
Spooky isn't it! You Couldn't possibly imagine that people would accept this stuff in Disneyland. In fact, showing you this is actually part of all the concepts of the Haunted Mansion. You had the Museum of the Weird but some of the few mentioned usually focused upon Captain Gore. And God it was a lot bloodier than imagined. He was a Pirate who would tie into the Pirates of the Caribbean ride as a bloodthirsty pirate whose wife, Priscilla, learned of his pirating ways and would be silenced forever. The WDW tombstone tributes has a slight reference to this Bluebeard style evil with having a mausoleum an actual Capt. Bluebeard have 7 wives who would die one after another except his last wife who would kill him.
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(Concept Art from Ken Anderson of Gore and Priscilla) |
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(Because nothing Screams Walt Disney and The Happiest Place on Earth like Suicide, Murder, and over morbid Death) |
And now for the theories. One popular theory claims that you actually die in the Haunted Mansion. When you first enter through the doors of the mansion, you see simple tricks of the light and optical illusions, nothing too concrete. But one you finish your seance with the Madame, you are brought to the Ballroom to see the ghosts who vanish and reappear before you. After the Bride scares you, you fall down to your death from the attic and the reason the Caretaker is so scared is because he sees new ghosts to join the fray! And the Graveyard swinging wake opens ups to welcome you as newly made members and residents of The Haunted Mansion. Another is that people actually believe the mansion is actually haunted with real ghosts. The mansion is a popular resting place for beloved one's ashes and are usually distributed around the ride illegally and some have claimed they see ghosts that weren't audio animatronics. One lady spread her son's ashes saying this ride was his favorite and she would love for him to officially rest in peace here. (I mean The Haunted Mansion was advertised as a Retirement home for Ghosts.)
But yes, it's a lot to take in with everyone involved and it was a primarily collaborative effort. But in hind site, it references and is a sad reminder of what now happened to Disneyland. For this ride was one of the last remaining original Rides that would be in Disneyland. Think about it, most of the rides are all based on Disney properties. It's not a bad thing but it reflects a creative drive now gone that has to be molded to the style and appearance of that attractions property. Tom Morris (another Imagineer who retired in 2016) confesses in this article some days back that "Walt allowed all of these people to show their own style. It wasn't a big corporate guidebook or style guide. Walt allowed there to be a Marc Davis style, a Claude Coats style, a Mary Blair style and Rolly — Rolly is definitely one of the Disneyland styles." Disneyland was the allowing of multiple artistic and aesthetic styles blended beautifully together and sadly, the Parks have mostly forgotten this. And this is why I noted this is a tragedy in the similar style of a Gothic Romance because The Haunted Mansion is truly the ghost of a Concept of Disneyland far forgotten. The last original Ride was Big Thunder Mountain with Tony Baxter (my favorite Imagineer) helping conceive the ride altogether.
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Tony Baxter helping Shape the E-Ticket Ride, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad |
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(A Panorama View of the mansion. And no that hearse wasn't carrying Brigham Young for his funeral.) |
Chef Mayhem's Doombuggies: A Tribute Site to the Haunted Mansion (You'll need to run adobe flash)
David Oneal's Haunted Mansion Documentary
LA Times: An early Disneyland designer won over Walt Disney with his rebel reputation. Now he laments: ‘The park is gone’
Disney's Haunted Mansion (Florida) Behind the Scenes Tour with Tony Baxter
Check Out Offhand Disney's 31 Nights of Halloween to some Haunted Mansion facts.
And for some Gothic Horror, here's the fan story Nuptial Doom: The Haunted Mansion and the Bride in the Attic. It features Kat Cressida, voice of Constance Hatchaway: The Black Widow Bride.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Marcos' Fragments of Horror: Fragment 1
So let's discuss my first one. SO I have a question to ask before we get to the meat of our situation. What makes horror compelling? How does something so visceral ... so grotesque... so utterly unnerving get so much of our attention, in both the Halloween season and out? Well, there have been some reasons why. One is The Paradox of Horror as presented by Noel Carroll
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(Cover of The Philosophy of Horror with the Grotesque Saturn Eating his Children painting) |
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(Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Junji Ito, My first Fragment of Horror) |
This is the Manga Artist and Writer Junji Ito. A Pioneer and creator in making his own style of horror. It's a interesting mesh and combination of horror techniques from people like H.P. Lovecraft with Spectacle Horror and taking elements of Body Horror from people like David Cronenberg and Surrealist/Monster Horror from H. R. Giger, the creator of Alien. His style is the combination of the words I mentioned for horror. Visceral, Unnatural, and Grotesque. And to make his fame even more infamous, he is collaborating with Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro for Death Stranding, the video game they have collaborated upon since Silent Hills was canceled. In fact, one important detail that stems from such hyperrealistic depictions of body horror in his works stems from his work as a dental assistant while also inking his own manga shorts to Manga Papers.
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(The cover page of Library of Illusions by Junji Ito) |
So in this little yarn, a young couple, newlyweds, are living in the husbands family house. The husband, Goro, inherited a massive library owned by his parents, 150,000 books of all kinds inside with first editions galore and has preserved them wonderfully. When two books disappear, both his parents favorites, he freaks out and Goro and his wife, Koko, search for them. But then he shows up with both love and affection and later clawed and scared when he claims the two books came to life as personified people affecting him differently with his mothers favorite book, Wintertime for Rene, symbolizes the joy and happiness Goro had with his stable family before his mother divorced his father. But his father's story is a psychological monster horror called Hellskin, and Goro's father would abuse his son every night with reading passages.
After fighting the ghosts of his past, and the books, with reciting their respective books back to them, Goro wants to make extra sure that he never loses a book again. But how does he manage such a feat when he organized and memorized the location of each book? By reading all 150,000. Encyclopedias, Atlases, Horror, Fantasy, Dictionaries, Histories, ... all become part of his mind. But as soon as he starts this mission, he already descends further into insanity, a fear his wife was constantly noticing with his neglect upon himself and her. But now once he finishes his goal of all 150,000, he has completely, lost his psychological/mental humanity. His obsession consumed, he is now at the mercy of his library, reading and reciting knowledge repetitively but normal speech patters and remembering his own name and wife are foreign to him. Trying to make sure the library doesn't consume him, Koko burns the library. However, Goro stays behind and is burned to death along with the library his family preserved. But now that the police arrive, Koko explains the unbelievable accounts and even says that the only surviving relative is Goro's father in the hospital, and in the final panel, we see what could've happened to Goro, a shell of a lost man, with only a library obsession holding him together.
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(Goro and Koko are about to be stalked and worse with Hellfire on the loose) |
So while you're digesting the imagery here, you've noticed the worse that Ito has done with inking his stories is the creepy Hellfire with his shriveled face and the father who looks pretty similar to the book he used to abuse his son. As I said earlier, this is but a taste of what's to come but I wanted to suggest this more for the psychological horror than the monster horror. As a voracious reader in my past, (and sometimes today) reading this story affected me more than usual, especially as an analyst and a reviewer. And using the books as a obsessive way into insanity makes it more compelling on my end but why? Well, it's in part of Ito's philosophy on horror. When Ito makes a story, he focuses on a mundane event or item in life in general, usually with a positive connotation like with book reading for example, and turns it on its head for the madness and show to begin.
With Ito's work on The Library of Illusions, we see the simple and enjoyable task of reading a book, and many of us love a good story, and takes it further with making it a task that could lead to insanity with pursuing knowledge, even if it is to destroy psychological monsters from your parents favorite books, just with how Ito makes Obsession lead to Insanity. But that draws us in because of how Goro is falling into the spiral of madness. Goro attempts to fight against his monsters by pulling further into the void and thus he becomes it, enraptured and becomingly enamored by it. And this is an important aspect of Ito's work that comes from his big influence, Lovecraft,: the spectacle story.
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(Goro listening to his own madness and beginning to lose both identity and sanity.) |
The spectacle story isn't like a traditional narrative due to how the main characters aren't fully dimensional and are caricatures. We know nothing of backgrounds, personality traits other than general madness from Goro and concern from Koko, and even their looks, and we see this a lot in Ito's works, are very generally plain and simplistic. But this element from Lovecraft is done paradoxically, making us ever enamored into the story. And maybe it's for the better that we don't get too sympathetic with our characters. If we do, once they die, we have no interest in the story anymore. The connection is gone. But with the spectacle story, we get the opposite for the spectacle in of itself is what draws us closer to each characters fate, and luckily Koko is one of the lucky characters for many of Ito's characters often must succumb to their fates of punishment, insanity, torture, or even death (and it's usually a death that rivals the fate worse than death).
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(The Title Art Picture for The Ribs Woman story by Ito. The two protagonists, Yuki and her brother Keisuke) |
"The Ribs Woman" features more of the body horror elements that many fans of Ito expect and the tale is as mysterious and vile as the titular character herself. While also being an urban horror myth style narrative, the "Ribs Woman" also adds another element of Ito's work, social commentary. But this commentary, though predominantly applicable to Japan, has some parallels to even the West's issues.
In the Ribs Woman, Yuki is jealous of her brother, Keisuke's girlfriend Ruriko. She loves her but she's jealous about how she has the perfect frame and decides to have cosmetic surgery to remove her lower ribs to have a more appealing frame. A couple of nights after her meet up with a specialist, Rumiko keeps claiming to hear a mysteriously creepy song from somewhere, unlike any instrument she's heard but stalking and horrifying her. As they follow the sounds, Yuki and Rumiko lead the way, Keisuke hears nothing but tags along for protection, to the park and find a mysterious woman playing a strange harp with one string and bent weirdly. She laughs and disappears but they find that the peculiar harp is a rib bone with piano wire tied to plunk it. Rumiko destroys the rib and makes sure that her boyfriend and sister never tell about this strange occurrence. But after she destroys the rib, the next day she doesn't appear at school and it would be a couple of days later that Rumiko would be found dead with all her ribs taken out of her.
Despite all the shock to her, Yuki still goes to her specialist and he reveals the revelation that he was the one who help with Ruriko's rib removal surgery, thus giving her the new body frame. But he also mentions, quite oddly about another patient he had, his first ever and his first failure apparently. Yuki is pleased with her new body and look but it's not to soon when she hears the music again. Yuki travels alone to find the mysterious harp player. This time she reveals the new rib harp she's playing is Yuki's own, just like when she played with Ruriko's earlier. But then she reveals her purpose and nature for attracting them both with a swan song. The titular Ribs Woman opens her blouse to reveal a mesh of Rumiko's rib bones and piano wires that disturbingly turned her into a human harp. Calling out to the doctor who helped Yuki, the Ribs Woman wants Yuki's ribs inside her body. Complying he agrees and Yuki is nearly killed but Keisuke finally comes to her rescue and the doctor is arrested. But the Ribs Woman is still at large and if you listen on eerie Tokyo Nights, you can hear her demented rib harp play out.
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(The intertwined ribs of the Ribs Woman) |
Hehehe. So this tale now goes into the elements of Ito's hard work and hyper-realistic detail when it comes to his body horror. That rib cage she has sure does scare one out of their skin. (Hopefully once you're out of it, she doesn't try to steal your ribs ladies.) The story has elements of urban legend, kind of similar to a more modern take on horror, the Creepypasta tales of now. The tales are kind of similar to spectacle stories of Lovecraft, with the monster and or the event in question being the similar circumstances of leading our readers into the abyss of horror. But it also goes deeper with social commentary, mostly dealing with Japan's issues on beauty culture.
For in the manga, Yuki so desperately wants to have a thinner waist and thinks that removing her rib bones are the way to go. Now doubt a foil to our Ribs Woman, but instead of going obsessive to murder other women for their lovely ribs, Yuki wants a gratification and recognition of beauty on a tamer level. In fact, some of Ito's works do feature social commentary and warning through his stories but some are interpretive. One that I won't go into but you may read for your own terror is The Hanging Balloons, many have used it as a metaphor for Japans growing problem with Suicide. And those who know the main issues of the Japanese Culture of Collective Harmony vs. Individual Cohesion as well as overwork stress, and any form of dishonoring has lead people to commit a horrible act and is a huge blight that Japan still deals with and tries to solve. But going back to the beauty metaphor of Ribs Woman, in Japan, there is a constant cultural critique of beauty and how it should be applied to young women and mothers. The popular Kawaii (cute) culture has been such a problem with young ladies and mothers with being adorable from all parts of society. It's a slight parallel but pretty potent if you know the social news and issues of Japanese culture.
Ito himself, with his reclusive nature, brings all kinds of things to the table with the social parts of his tales. It's not always prevalent like with other stories like the upcoming Uzumaki, "The Circus is Here", "Bubble Blood Bushes", and "The Beautiful Boy at the Crossroads." But all still feature the common trope of taking the mundane and everyday and spinning it on it's head into a horror story. In fact, Amigara Fault deals with another common occurrence in Japan, as well as here in my native California, Earthquakes.
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(Cover Photo for "The Enigma at Amigara Fault") |
The story focuses on Owaki, a young boy (featured on the cover picture) and Yoshida (the girl on the cover behind him) as they both go to Amigara Fault. However, their small little curiosity of the fault get smacked into dark implications as Yoshida explains how she sees her hole in the fault, and many holes are there which has gotten Japan's Geological Society investigating why the peculiar human-shaped holes are there. Following a dream Owaki has, it's inferred though not fully that the people who come to Amigara are all supposed to be into this fate and go into their holes and day by passing day, more and more people break down into insanity as some try to pry them away from the holes but they all exclaim the same thing after they strip to their underwear. "This is my hole!"
Hoping to get past this nightmare, Owaki and Yoshida room together, the last ditch effort to fight the impulse and struggle for survival. But when Yoshida disappears, Owaki discovers she has allowed instinct and her own negative thoughts to pervade her. Depressed, he drops his flashlight and in an even more disturbing and fated response, the light flashes onto something that looks like it could be his shadow; his own personal hole. Owaki is also fated to join the others and thus he slips right into the abyss of the hole. Months after the geologists discover the back of the fault but what protrudes from the holes is mentally scaring to them as they see the fate of the humans who went inside, their bodies contorted and crushed by the fault lines now a very far cry from their human selves.
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(One of the fated people about to enter his hole) |
The "Enigma at Amigara Fault" focuses on the horrific body horror at the end similar to how "Library of Illusions" presents itself but with a twist on how deformed the bodies become. Physical bodies now deformed thanks to a curse that made reincarnated people go inside to be tortured. In fact, it should be noted that the word Amigara comes from two Japanese words meaning Empty Shell, reflecting their newfound loss. But this is where interpretation is a bit more interpretive as to why and what could the story possibly tell. As I mentioned in The "Ribs Woman" not every one of the Ito stories has a definite interpretation, such as the social commentary of the destructive powers of the beauty industry and self image. And some like "Library of Illusions" are just pure spectacle. No deep analysis or message really there other than to psychologically question our own sanity. But in the story, we see the struggle of Yoshida and Owaki with trying to bring meaning into their lives.
Yoshida has been neglected by both family and friends. Parents barely showed attention, friends didn't pay too much mind. Her depression leads her to a symbolic suicide through Amigara Fault. Although it seems like all are alive and conscious though they are hardly recognized as human. In fact, this story uses her, Owaki, and other minor characters of the story to portray a concept from Freudian psychoanalysis, Eros and Thanatos. (I'm not a psychologist so this is a brief and general explanation and we won't go into the Id, Ego, and Superego much when talking of these two drives.)
Eros is the Life Drive of Freudian psychosis. Named after the Greek equivalent to Cupid, Eros Drive focuses upon life driving and survival instincts. Sex, Food, Family, Philosophy, Religion, all these and more supplement the life drive in the promotion of making humans more rational and life affirming. Such is necessary for them to live and flourish and create something of themselves. We see this with Yoshida and Owaki's romantic attraction and when he covers the hole of Yoshida so she doesn't get called into it. But also when they spend the night together, one might look to sexual and romantic confirmation of the two being together in surviving their ordeal.
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(The Final Panels of the Story with the newly metaphorical zombie coming out of the crushed faults of Amigara.) |
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(Cover of the Uzumaki Special Complete Edition featuring the Hair fight scene in the manga) |
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(The First and one of the few Color Inked Pages of the Uzumaki Manga. Note the foreshadowing in the grass.) |
Yup. All those spirals. All in the grass and that's but the tip of this iceberg. You're probably wondering how does he turn a spiral upon its head. Well maybe hear what he says about the inspiration for choosing the spiral for the central driving force of the story. To summarize, he noted how in traditional Japanese media, the spiral is a general symbol of rosy cheeks and happiness. In general, its a positive force.
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(Shuichi's father, a pivotal character, collects all the strange and unnatural phenomena of the spiral from sculptures, nature, pottery, etc.) |
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(The Medusa Spiral effecting one of the girls in Uzumaki.) |
Every Chapter in the story focuses upon two protagonists, lovers Kyrie (pronounced Kyr-E-eh) and Shuichi (pronounced Shoe-E-Chi). Kyrie wishes to leave her seaside town of Kurozu-cho, (pronounced Kuro-Zoo-Cho) a seaside town in Japan. (This is where Lovecrafts similaries come in for Lovecraft made most of his stories in New England and the story The Shadow over Innsmouth is a parallel to Kurozu-cho's seaside locale from the town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts.) Both of them discover more and more about the phenomena of the spiral from Shuichi's father and it seems like every, new natural and human made spirals surround the city until the intents and purpose of the Spiral's grand plan unravels.
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(The Spiral Absorbs one unfortunate girl. Even looking at this makes me both nauseous, dizzy, and creepily disoriented.) |
And As I said with making a parallel in the episodic style of the Inferno, it feels like we ourselves are like Dante, with Kyrie being our Vergil and going down the timeline with a new punishment being made around the spiral in some way. Shuichi's father loves the obsession he has with the spiral he contorts his body into it as his final wish. Shuichi's mother sees it everywhere and tries to get rid of the spiral (Cutting finger and footprints off) once and for all but it still haunts her even til death (I'm gonna let you read Chapter Two: The Spiral Obsession to see what I mean). Natural Disasters like Hurricanes and Whirlpools cause the attacks and deaths of people. Hair is tangled into Medusa like control, the spiral can literally eat someone and disappear in a few moments. People turn into snails slowly and painfully and anyone who messes with the newly transformed snails gets turned into them. Pregnancy isn't even safe and vampiric mothers take corkscrews to screw out holes and eat the blood of all types of people. And people rip themselves out of their bodies, with their spines turned into coils and springs to hop around.

Note how all of these use the spiral in different ways. A new punishment for each new story. And each picture you see incorporates that feel. Body and Psychological Horror are used to the up-tenth to display the Lovecraftian turn of Ito's masterpiece. Ito creative uses for subverting the spiral have been well done to accomplish his inversion goal: unique, creepy, and psychologically haunting. But this goes with all his stories. Maybe they don't require the same attention Uzuamki or Amigara needs for body horror. Maybe they don't always have a more veiled message like "The Hanging Balloons" or "Ribs Woman." But all in all, Ito has allowed us into his world of fatalistic and maddened protagonists as the spectacles of their lives either haunt them or have already killed them.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my first Fragment of Horror. But don't leave so soon. I have 12 more articles for you to enjoy and I hope I do my best in promoting them. So comes to the end of Fragment 1: Junji Ito
And for further looks as well as some great videos/works cited for me:
Check out two of my favorite YouTube Channels: Ragnar Rox and Tale Foundry
RagnarRox is an analytic media YouTuber focusing on horror in video games and movies. Check out some of his work on I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream the game and his Monsters of the Week Series for some great content. He's also done these two great videos on Junji Ito that have been so well polished.
Junji Ito: Spiral into Horror
Junji Ito's Amigara Fault & The Horror of Compulsion
Tale Foundry, on the other hand is focused on analyzing the tropes of story styles and for beginner authors like me, I love the research and focus for new types of stories from examining Ito and Creepypasta to Weird Fiction and Celtic Lore. And each analysis comes a short story written by the team to listen and enjoy.
Ito Videos
Do Junji Ito's Characters Actually Matter?
3 Ways Junji Ito Disturbs Us
Sillouhettes: A Short Story
And check out my last suggestion and video
How Media Scares Us: The Work of Junji Ito