Hello again everyone.
I wish to apologize about my unofficial hiatus after trying to figure out things and with my current job search often getting more involved than ever, I've been writing on this post less often but I now hope to write an article every week when a good subject comes and depending on what is around. Now with a plethora of political posts, new stories for me to read, and new entertaining movies and shows, I have a lot I want to talk about as well as some future plans with my writing and my life as well. But as of today, I wanted to give a simple shout out to everyone.
I just want to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day, whether you're celebrating with friends, family, or your significant other's I want to wish you all a nice day where you can be with loved ones or if loved one's are away are thinking of you every day. Either soldiers missing their spouses and families, employees traveling to work, those traveling out away from their loved ones, or for any reason in particular, there is someone thinking about you and you are loved.
Happy Valentine's Day!