Saturday, March 4, 2017

Conservatism is the New Progressivism

Within already almost the end of another beginning month this year, President Trump's administration has been called so many things I can't even list. He's been cheered for (blindly and critically) by Conservatives and criticized (almost always) by the so called Liberals. Truly the weirdest of culture wars about a celebrity who became a President in the similar fashion to Ronald Reagan. But sadly that's about where that similarity ends with him and what some Conservatives hope for. With the election of Trump and an array of articles too hard to find the truth from yellow journalism, I've noticed a sad phenomenon that Conservatism is going through and will most likely and probably has already been it's killing point. It's moral compass.

Morally the Conservatives paint themselves as a beacon of laissez-faire capitalism, individual rights, and personal freedom. But the more I look into this, it's starting to sound more like they're actually into totalitarian tendencies; the similar lie told by many liberals when they called themselves beacons of freedom but instead have veiled themselves under banners of political correctness, appeasement, and lack of moral fiber or courage.Today, Conservatism is plagued with many wishy-washy premises in contact with the welfare state, the foreign war policy, and taxes and tariffs.

With taxes and tariffs, the Conservative mindset says that it should be lowered but not eliminated as funds from a government must exist and thus money must still be forcefully taken from their citizens rather than peacefully donated to them by volition. This attitude strikes concern to me as this is truly a major point in their attitude towards a bias towards money in what can be justified as only towards their religious purposes as Paul wrote "The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil." But this is no justification for theft. All taxes and tariffs are excuses for theft from the government to say, "You didn't earn this, so we're taking it!" It's an equivalent to the school bully who enforces his fists for other students lunch money.

With the welfare state, they fare no better. Conservatives constantly say they need to limit the welfare state to make American's self reliant on their own wealth and influence and that government is there to protect people's rights. But they themselves can't handle the consequences of a fully Capitalistic system and thus appease Democrats, Populists, and other collectivist types to allow for such inconsistencies to exist in the governing sphere with the lies and schemes of the welfare state. They don't even question why it is the government's purpose to do such a thing but just say they should lower it. The welfare state has created many, if not, all of the economic problems we face today with the elderly not saving enough money into the system, the high taxes needed to pay for them and others, as well as  Obamacare. This one law almost every Conservative hates, yet now, they delay it. They had the chance when Obama was president and there where majorities in both houses or the Senate could've filibustered the legislation longer but have failed us one too many times. And if that wasn't worse, they want to fully replace Obamacare. Not repeal it, replace it.  It's a true insult among all individual citizens tired of paying so much into Obamacare's lousy and inhospitable health market.

Lastly, the foreign policy of war has been the one that has irked many for a time to come. With the Bush Administration, Bush betrayed the ideas of what Islam can do to America by stating in a speech just given days after the 9/11 bombings that Islam is a religion of peace. Such a lie can't be forgiven and is already a crack in the rocky foundation of this policy. Another is a similar premise with how the war was constructed with our primary enemies by attacking a country (Iraq) who had, at the time, little contact with the members of Al-Queda and other terrorist organizations who were buddy-buddy with regimes like Iran and Saudi Arabia and letting many of our good men and women out in a country to fight sacrificially. The tactics of this policy even reflected Bush's appeasement with not wanting to destroy mosques and other financial and governmental places terrorist organizations were harboring new recruits or to the governments responsible for paying for their crimes against humanity. And with Obama, ... I think I don't have to explain how badly that went. But now with Trump in the president's chair, we see his rhetoric is both anti-Islam and anti-Muslim (I personally did not like the latter but the former I congratulate.) is strong but yet we have yet to see where that will go because having talk is one story but allowing the military to analyze and judge for themselves how to win the unwinnable war, is another.

If any Conservatives are reading this article, I ask of you this. If you wish to save your dying ideology, you need to start reevaluating yourself from the inside and start taking some crucial lessons from people like Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Frederick Hayek, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Yaron Brook, Aristotle, and others upon how to fight against the anti-Western ideals that are crumbling our society. You say you admire the founding fathers but they would all scold and even rebel against you for allowing such madness to happen. The Founding Fathers created a society inspired by American Individualism and you desperately need that in your philosophy. That is the greatest start to promote in contrast to pragmatic policy making you've got yourselves into on your own merits. Remember that "history is a battleground of ideas" and usually the most consistent win. The socialists, Left, Muslims, and other anti-western thinkers are winning. It's time to shred these shadows and start coming into the light.

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