So I'd like to thank all of my readers who still follow me despite my very unorthodox and changing and lazy schedule for following me into 2018. And hopefully many surprises will happen and I promise that next time, I'll post my Airing of the Grievances on my Blog to personally shame anyone and everything on Festivus. But lets get to the good news.
Happy New Years to us all and the best for each of us, this, for all time, and throughout this year. It's also important because this is the Year of the Dog for me as this will be the complete cycle of another Chinese New Year for I'll be 24 as of this year. And boy I do have some New Years Resolutions. Mostly plans and goals for myself.
Specifically I have 4 main ones. To some simplistic small goals to fulfill overall big goals/resolutions.
1) Lose some Weight. I have no real or clear goal but I do want to lose some body fat due to last years munchies and feasting due to some emotional and economic hardships and reanalyzing. So I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds overall in general if possible as I'd like to enjoy the upcoming 2018 Anime Expo again as I loved last years but I have to save up and really pay off some debts.
2) Pay off Debts. I got a lot to add onto but I know that I will fully pay of one I owe personally to someone else. I can't go into specifics in order to protect peoples Identities and for personal reasons. Also I plan to pay off more of my Credit card despite usual payments on to pay for car repairs.
3) Write More Often. I've been very lazy on completing my works and so I hope to finish 3 short stories, 1 play and a full draft of one novel. I'll be planning to write the 3 short stories soon with possible revisions later and I will be announcing my debut hopefully if I decide to though my original plan is to publish independently and then grow mainstream.
4) Read More Books. I have a lot to do with reading but I'm planning to read at least 6 books this year and work on 12 next year with a book a month unless I finish reading a book. So far on my list are The Vampire Lestat, We The Living, Nichomachean Ethics, Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, and The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. All of various genres seen from Philosophy to Gothic Romance and Horror to Erotica.
So that's it. I hope you all can keep to your resolutions or decide not to have ones and you shouldn't feel pressured. For those who do, congratulations. I know there are characteristics that you want to improve on. Good luck and you can do it. And those who chose not to, good for you. It's for you to decide alone and no one's damn business.
Anyway, Eat Drink and Be Merry Darlings!