Sunday, July 1, 2018

Updates on my resolutions

Hello, Darlings! Yes, it's me! It's me! It's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's... me, me, me, me, me ... me, me, me, me, me ... me, me, me, me, me, me, me, ... me ... (breaths in and in the lowest bellow I can I say) MEEEEEEEE!

And who am I, I, I, I, I, ... I, I, I, I, I, ... I?

Well, I'm Marcos Pisanis of course, the creator of this blog. (Also, if you guys didn't get the weird presentational joke, it's a reference to the musical Young Frankenstein, the song being Surprise)( It has my name in it so I don't see why you couldn't tell. So I love a good surprise and I'm glad to share with you the good surprises of my resolutions as well as other small goals this year.

So I have 6 goals in mind. But let's start with my four resolutions this year. And I'll comment on my progress so far.

1) Reading More: I originally made a promise to read 6 books by the end of the year. They are The Vampire Lestat, Rebecca, Nichomachean Ethics, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Wuthering Heights, and We the Living. So far I read the first four books on the list! I am currently on page 125 of 326 of Wuthering Heights so I'm about 38% finished so I'm not halfway through but if I've already read four and a quarter books in the first half of the year, I'm making excellent progress.

2) Writing More: I had originally planned to write a rough draft of one short story, one play of any kind (stage, television, screen, podcast, etc.), and one novel. But I haven't made much progress on that angle. However, since I have contributed a lot to my writing thanks to my blog, It has made my writings come to a wider audience, even if I haven't released any drafts to anyone until I have the first draft finished. I am happy to say however, I have more concepts I'm debating. However, as for me deciding to pursue them, that's another story but If I decide not to, I'll at least include it elsewhere.

3) Paying Debt: Well, I'm not giving values. But let's say I owed in the 5 digits and now it's in the 4 digits. I have paid about between 37.59% to 43.27%. The reason I have those percentages is that I don't remember how much I originally owed. So I want to give myself the bigger percentage just to treat myself but yet, I still owe a lot and I have plans to get it even lower throughout the year. And it's also kind of why I don't go out a lot. (I would love to eat at all the LA restaurants or a trip to a theme park for a day but I can't.)

4) Losing Weight: I was very vague with the goal of losing weight because the trick is to lose body fat and not weight in general. And that can be difficult. And so far, I only managed to gain weight. In fact, the only thing I think that helps me not gain weight is my kinda good record of eating healthily. But I have no idea how much I weight and I kind don't want to know until I learn more. And I'll be moving to a new gym so my aunt and I can be workout buddies and help motivate one another. And since she knows more about healthy living, it'll be valuable. I did get down at one point in my life from 179-181 to 121 so I wanna do that again and this time, try to lose body fat more and gain a little more muscle mass from last time.

5) Inheriting a Business: I'm inheriting my Grandfather's Tax Business. But with the recent news of the Trump Tax returns making H&R Block close down stores, it means I'm going to have to find ways to add more supplemental income as well. But so far, it's on trying to find new parts to expand the enterprise but there are other things that need to be done before I take over. Like my next step.

6) Cleaning out: The office my grandfather does most of his work in is very messy and I began cleaning it last year but we have a lot to accomplish. And I also want to clean out his storage unit. Luckily we did but as of right now, we put his stuff in the garage so now we need to go through that. So now that most of the boxes are in places close to me, I can sort and clean it out for a cleaner and better office for all to enter in.

So with all the finalities into place. I hope the next half goes into losing weight, enjoying a little more time off, well I know that's impossible due to how much money I need to pay rent off to but it's pretty much less and close to half. And with helping my grandfather and his/our business, it's a long but fulfilling journey to being a new man despite the other things. So have a nice begining to the second half of the year.

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