Well, I heard the news after a long weekend of work and celebration. One of my favorite atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been threatened by the regressive left of Australia and now feels unsafe to give her lectures. This is a true crime of intellectual merit to censor one of the leading intellectual leaders, one whom I greatly respect and a person who had first hand experience with the evils of the Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, and just abandon her like this. I hope many Australians find this wrathening and should tell the socialists to pipe down and listen to what she has to say before they speak their "hate speech" cries. Hate speech will always exist no matter what anyone wants to hear of it or say. I have to get used to it especially when some of my own acquaintances and even friends say things that are hurtful to myself or I stand appalled and what they would imply.
The Socialists have constantly wanted to give Islam a standing ovation when the religion is as barbaric as other religions have been with killing non-believers and other ridiculous kosher law claims. Unfortunately, unlike every other religion that has been pacified with reason and the Enlightenment, Islam has refused to give any leeway even when it was under a Scientific Golden Age where they were influenced by the Aristotlean Tradition. Then it just vanished. It still confuses me to this day how a religion who helped preserve greatly the knowledge of a philosopher who was once thought lost due to the Great Fire of the Alexandria Lighthouse could 180 into a massacring censoring cult.
But that is weirdly how Islam works. It hates progress, freedom of speech and thought, and criticism of religion. Never give them any leeway into making you earn unearned guilt for not thinking like them. They don't speak for women, children, homosexuals, people of different faiths, atheists, or any of the like. Their automaton culture is of stagnation, suffering, and death.
In other news of that time, now we have this really weird story because I didn't expect who was censoring everyone. Apparently the Social Justice Warriros, (they should be called the Socialist Jaundice Warriors; At least it's more accurate of a name.) have told people not to enjoy sex. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING? I usually had expected this kind of mentality from the Muslims or of televangelist Christians like Jerry Fawell Jr. or Paula White. But now it's coming from the left who were pretty ok with gay sex but now if you enjoy sex, you are a bad person. Even more unearned guilt is coming from these psychopathic whackaloons. I'm really happy I left the Left. I can sure tell you they aren't progressive or liberal at all. They're really fucking annoying and fucking crazy. Folks, better to stay away from them and run for the hills and for those on the left who are seeing how regressive they are, I suggest reading von Mises, Rand, Milton Friedman, Ayann Hirsi Ali and other intellectuals who actually care about your freedom and humanity in general.
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