After seeing what happened with the bombing of the Manchester Arena for people who just wanted to have a fun time, once again the world was reminded that it's still not safe. And once again we'll go through the motions of pray for Manchester, re upload profile pics with a "thoughts and prayers for Manchester", rinse and repeat and then ... well, ... nothing happens really. Maybe like France a few drone strikes but it's not enough. It seems we're dragging it all behind.
It's seems to me that appeasement seems to be our only policy in the world and whoever is attacked from hardly does much. I feel like we just pray it away or do nothing. Aren't you tired of doing nothing? Well, we have a solution but no one wants to do it.
First, It's actually naming the enemy. That enemy is simply Fundamentalist Islam. And it's very accurate as well because almost all of the Muslim faith promotes or practices it in the form of Sunni Islam. The next thing on our lists is to stop romanticism Islam. There is nothing beautiful or sacred about a religion that demands you convert or die. I'm not sorry to be the mean atheist about this situation but all religions have done this and Islam still does this to this day more so than any other religion I have ever seen. Muhammad the prophet has no sacredness to him other than he's an illiterate, pedophilic, psychotic, megalomaniacal, misogynistic, bloodthirsty mongrel for a prophet of a religion. At least Jesus only told people to leave their families and told parables to explain morals. Buddha tried to make people understand themselves by seeking the middle path and what were expected of bettering oneself. But any religion that demands the obedience and force authority is truly a tyrannical insanity. Islam still is a religion of warfare. I still wonder how a religion that helped saved Aristotlean ideas and his works would wander so far away from the oasis to the nomad desert. Third, for warfare, use the Sherman method on ISIS and those who sponsor and fund state-sponsored terrorism. 2 countries have done this repeatedly for too long and it's time to put them in submission for their crimes against humanity and human rights. Iran and Saudi Arabia are those countries and they truly are the main warfare mongers of Islamic Warfare with Iran funding ISIS and Saudi Arabia sponsoring the Taliban. Both both want dominance as the ultimate head of Islamic Warfare and there is an underground war with them but they are stuck as allies to one another until such actions are taken. The easiest strategy would be to destroy one country, (Iran is the prime target for their illegal actions on nuclear power and violating many countries rights from the Useless Nations perspective of keeping them and doing nothing to stop them. The same is definitely true for Saudi Arabia being head of their human rights department.) Then Saudi Arabia has only 24 hours to stop their crimes or face annihilation.
[this coming from the articles of Craig Biddle's "How to stop Jihad in 10 Easy Steps" which is a must read for all who want Islam to stop these crimes.]
This religion must be stopped and must accept reason and truth over dogma and faith. And the main offenders are in the Middle East especially since most of the people who caused 9/11 are from Saudi Arabia. A religion who wants death to Apostates, Homosexuals, and Women, gleefully rape them into submission as property and treating human lives as disposable property is appalling and disgusting and should worry a lot of people as well as make them angry for those who allowed this to happen. We can stop it. For those of us at home who want to stop it, let's use free speech and tell people why this must stop and to stop defending an evil ideology. And don't forget to draw Muhammad.
Nice job Marcos
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