Friday, September 15, 2017

Where the Hell have I been?

Ok. So the title is totally click bait. I promise not (not) to make any more click bait titles. After all, they're just cheap gimmicks to give random attention to poor saps such as myself to get that extra like, subscribe, and click we are all dying for. That focus of attention. But ok, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's get back to the details of where I am.

      Well as most of you who have ready the blog know, I work for Uber and it's a lot of driving and it doesn't give me way too many chances to sit down and type. (In all honesty, I prefer writing things down then typing in case I got a better idea or something.) But also there is another major change happening in my life and I wanted to talk about it since only a few people know and I didn't want to say anything until I have brought it upon myself, my grandparents (this is Opa Papa and Oma Beta in case your confused), and my Auntie Debi. Well here it is. Drum roll please!


But why, well some are more obvious than others. Mainly it has to do with finding a new home and economic reasons. Living in Victorville doesn't give the same economic opportunities living in the city does even though there's a larger working pool to swim through. But there are more places to find in there compared to this and so my main hope is to get a couple of different jobs and transition from Uber to there. But also I have a lot of other ideas and plans in mind due to circumstances rising. As if needed I have thought about what to pursue as an occupation. From what I assessed, it looked like my opportunities came mainly from family businesses. But this has many pluses because I come from a very entrepreneurial minded family. My step-father  (Dad Steven) and mother (Sallmikah)run a truck and trailer repairing company. My grandfather (Opa Papa) is a private tax accountant and my grandmother Daisy (from my Dad Stevens side) has an insurance firm. This is also not including future members who are interested in starting their own business or even the other relatives I forgot to mention. So I decided to go into my grandfather's firm of Tax Accounting with Notary signing on the side.

BUT (and I have to make it big), I only said occupation. This isn't my full plan but just a means to an end. But just because I lead myself here doesn't mean I might get something else or find something better. Eventually that does happen but only if we pursue it. No one does say, I have a position and I want you in it. It's predominantly our responsibility to find it. But primarily I am going into this but with the hope of continuing something very dear to me and I might've mentioned it but am unsure. But my main career choice once it happens is to be a writer.

As of right now, I've been working on all sorts of concepts for stories but not only novels and short stories. I have plans for podcasts, plays, poems, and screenplays for television and movies. Of course I'd say the difficultly lies in which projects to publish and finish drafting first so then I can get out there. But given the circumstances, it's still a long way to go through I do have quite a listful of concepts to metal down and form. But I'd rather you read it for yourself rather than hear me talk about it due to it not being as engaging unless I did publish.

Other than that, I have one major final announcement. I'm working out again. After months of escaping working out after a couple of bumps in the road for myself, I decided (in too long a time now that I think about it. I really need to work on being less procrastinative.) to work out again, eat a healthy diet and hopefully work on burning my body fat for a slightly more toned body look. Good health should always be a part of our lives though the work is very difficult and it is for me. But if I could get down to 121 from 189-191 pounds then I can do it again from only 150-160 pounds (I haven't used a scale in a whole. You'll learn the results tomorrow.)

Ok. Now that's out of the way, I also want to say I have a lot more to offer with the results of reviews, opinion articles, blogging and maybe even vlogging about my life, (I'm still debating being on YouTube even though I have my Praxis video on there and to be honest, I hate the sound of my voice.), getting to finish Interview with the Vampire (I'm sorry Johnny. I promise I'll finish it by the end of October. I swear. Its on here so I'm bound by it.) and possibly (for those who follow me on Instagram) post more pictures of what's going on and my future cosplay hobby. Well I know it's a lot but this is what has been going on and I'll update more with the move to Pasadena.

Later Darlings!

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