So I want to apologize for not writing yesterday as events led me to do different things, Now I'm starting to get ahead of things again which is good.
Ok, well I know you guys wanted to hear me say my opinion as I opted out because well, It was a shell shock to me about this but the more and more I think about this case, there are a lot of places that need to be investigated. I'm not a conspiracy theorist in any way, Hardly. I believe in conviction, facts, and proof. If I see a well reasoned argument, I will listen and admit my mistakes. But this case was lousily investigated and doesn't do justice for those who have died in this tragic accident.
For example, how did the gunman get all those guns and ammunition to his hotel room? Hotel security in a Las Vegas Hotel is very tight and it would be suspicious for any man to not only hide them but get cleaning services in there. Also, was there just one gunman where my family members, mostly in the marines, police force, or have shot guns before, were able to recognize the sounds of two different guns going off? And these are just a few questions of numerous that well, we won't be able to answer or explain. It's all lost because of the issue that the police will take care of it but the way the police has done the investigation is lousy and off putting and is shaming to anyone who calls themselves investigators to stop crime. But the origins of a lousy investigation goes with the media who have warped it into an agenda fueled crisis.
The media has exploited all these people into being treated as martyrs for their cause of creating their agenda to ban guns rather than investigate the truth behind if we have a lone gunman or more than one person on record here (there was a maniac crying out "you're all going to die" but whether we can say for sure he's crazy or working with the gunman, we won't figure it out any more.) And trust me, Fake News couldn't fit these mongrels in the media more. The more I heard about the investigation, the more I heard about this need for gun control and that the NRA is a bunch of heartless monsters and on and on and on. (And you'd think they'd learn their lesson with all this accusatory idealism with need to back their claims with something called EVIDENCE!) For the media, it's all about control and controlling the opinion of the masses in de herder (German for The Herd) mentality. (I apologize but I will sometimes use Latin or other language phrases and euphemisms if appropriate.)
The Media mostly claims that guns are the problem but this is an outright lie. The problem is people like the killer here who psychologically is insane, totally knew what he was doing with spreading murder and chaos. People with no apathy for other's concerns or safety who take it upon themselves to control people and it's obvious this killer acted like he was a puppet master cutting the strings of what he perceived to be "his dolls." His actions we're totally into account but blaming a gun, a tool used for various things to hunt and survive, to get food, to protect friends and family, to stop evil people, is all preposterous. And every time the media and socialists (they don't deserve to be called Liberals because I am a Liberal and I'm taking my name back bitches! Also they're a bunch of money grubbing and money hating assholes) look for a scapegoat to avoid the real reason why people do this. Because they feel entitled to something and not getting it provides the darker motives for any case. A Sense of entitlement is the core of this deep rooted hatred but motive will vary on what kind of entitlement that is. And as we all have learned from Prohibition, The Drug Wars, and other bans and embargo, Banning something will not cause a solution to happen. Criminals are also not effected by the law because they break the law anyway and can easily manipulate their surroundings to do so. They can even find ammunition in the black market to try to cause a panic. They will find a way. And once they do, more bloodshed will happen. Our guns aren't only just a right to decide whether we want one or not but also, they protect us in case the police can't get to us fast enough and keep an environment safer with people and RESPONSIBLE gun owners know better than to do things like this. I should know. I was one when I owned a gun so all those accusations of all gun owners are bad eventually go back to myself as a former owner of a Glock 17 and you also attack many of my friends and family which is not cool.
I want to leave off with two important messages before I go. There was an infamous socialist named Saul Alinksy (you'll need to do your homework on him kids) and he was famous for saying a more eloquent version of the phrase "Never let a good crisis go to waste." A radical socialists himself, Alinsky had written the book Rules for Radicals to motivate political upheavals and movements akin to the Communist/Socialist agenda to make sure to take advantage of innocents to motivate a minority to an often wicked Revolution. And on that note, there is one thing I want to mention one more thing. I wanted to see the series The People vs. O.J. Simpson. This is a good TV series I heard and one reviewer (a member of the forum For the New Intellectuals on Facebook if you ever want the knowledge and firepower to lash back at the real fascists) said that for the court episodes "One side presented the facts and one side presented a story." Think hard about that and you'll see why the Socialists love presenting a story more than the facts.
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